Amiga Future

Interview with Emmanuel Dausse

Developer from Workbench 2000

Could you describe your grouph and the important people of the company?

I'm only a poor lomesome developper...

Since when do you work on/with the Amiga?

I bought my first AMIGA 500 on August 1988.

and now? what amiga have you now?

I have an AMIGA 4000/040 25 Mhz

Do you work together with other groups or companies?


what kind of software do you produce?

All kind of software: little games, WB tools, genealogy software, etc...

and which games. talsk somethink from the games, please. whta the name, features, storyy, and so on. who can the user become your games and tools

Never I published my little games, because they are not totaly finished. I developped a Windows Miner, Jezzball, Tic Tac Toe, Tank battle duel, CrazyChess (a chess game with crazy rules), Rats revenge, Tetris, Uridium.

How long are you Amiga-User?

Since August 1988.

why is your developing software for the amiga, and not for the macintosh as example?

Because I have an AMIGA and I'm working professionnaly in PC, and I love AMIGA...

and why love you amiga?

Because AMIGA is the first computer with real graphics and sound capability. In 1987, PC make BIP-BIP and display only 16 colors.... It's for what I bought an AMIGA. And since, I never found a computer with a good OS ( execpt perhaps Macintosh )

what is your latest product and what are your plans for the future?

To continue Workbench2000 while I receive users modification request.

what tink you are some new features from wb2000 in the future

not really new features, but ameliorate the user comfort.

I should finish my genealogy software. It's a program for family tree managing with a real time drawing family tree.

What release you the next weeks?

New version of Workbench2000 : hiding windows with anim, Alt-TAB and Alt-ESC function, and many little corrections.

what are your favourite games for the amiga?

I don't play very often. But I like lemmings or canon folder kind of games.

Is it your main job to work for the Amiga, or is it just a hobby? If it is a hobby - what's your main job?

AMIGA is my favourite hobby. My main job is developper on PC for a little french company.

what kind of things (software, hardware, and so on) are you missing for the amiga?

More speed (25 MHz is so poor), a good printer, and OS 3.9...

your software, for what kind of processor do you develop: 68k or ppc?


Will you support the AmigaNG in future, or do you work on a project like this? If yes, please tell us about.

Why not.

If the AmigaNG is available, will you still support the classic Amiga?

Of course.

Will you transpose a PC-game to the Amiga?

No. Or a little game. ( no more free time)

Will you release other projects on other platforms?

- Yes. With a friend, I have create 3 WEB sites: (Our first site with AMIGA links) (a general links sites) (about GSM phones)

Think you that the OS3.9 are the right way or it is better to close the Amiga Classic with the OS3.5 and make only a new OS for the NEW Amiga?

I think that both is good. Ok for a new amiga with new OS but I want to try it before buy it.

What's your opinion about the idea to release Amiga games general on cd? And what's your opinion about the future of the DVD at the Amiga?

It's a general platform problem. If a game is enough little for CD, why do it go on DVD ? Of course a DVD for AMIGA is the normal way.

which computer/os do you use in private?

AMIGA 4000 / 68040 / OS 3.1

have the new Amiga-OS (AmigaNG) a chance in the big pc-world?

I Hope...

What's your imagination about the future Amiga ?

Have the Amiga Classic the same chance as 1985 (the best computer of the world)

Have the AmigaNG a chance in the war with Mac and PC? The same chance as 1985?

Yes if there are many, many, many software like Mac and PC.(Long and good work for developpers)

Do you have a mascot?

A bat. See my logo from WB2000.

can you send me the logo as jpg or gif file for the interview?

You already have it. See in the images/Memory Overdrive.iff files

What are your hobbies?

Only computer.

What is your favourite movie?


What do you think about those long and troublesome interviews? :)

Very long...., but interresting :o)

What would you like say the software-pirates?

It's not good to pirate a software ;o( but who has never do that ???

some final words?

Long live to AMIGA.

(c) by APC&TCP, Andreas Magerl      Amiga is a registred trade mark of Amiga Inc.